Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay
As the criminologist advisor to a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature, I have been selected to conduct research for a bill that would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. The bill is popular however it is unknown if it will do much good. It is my job to make recommendations in regards to whether the bill being voted on will be beneficial to everyone in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The prison term policies are sentencing guidelines that are created by Congress and the State Legislature to provide judges with bases for sentencing those individuals found guilty of committing a crime to ensure that each person is treated equal without discrimination (sentencing guidelines, 2010). There are four offenses that make up what is known as violent crime which are murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. According to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program a violent crime is any crime that involves force or threat of force to others (Department of Justice, 2006). Currently the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaniaââ¬â¢s prison terms for armed robbery are as follows: for the first offense of a violent crime a minimum of five years, for a second offense of a violent crime a minimum of 10 years, and for the third offense of a violent crime a minimum of 25 years total confinement or life imprisonment which is accordance with 42 Pa. C.S. à §9714 (Pennsylvania Commi ssion on Sentencing, 2008). Pennsylvaniaââ¬â¢s Uniform Crime Reporting tracks all forms of Robbery together. According to the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System, in 2008 there were 18,751 reported robbery offenses which is equivalent to 51 per day or one every 28 minutes and 2 seconds (PA UCRS, 2008). These figures showed a decrease of 2.5% from 2007 which had 19,239 reported robberies (PA UCRS, 2008). Robbery made up 5.4% of the crime index and 37.2%à of the violent crime index in Pennsylvania in the year 2008 (PA UCRS, 2008). The reported robbery rates in Pennsylvania in 2008 were 150.6 per 100,000 inhabitants (PA UCRS, 2008). Recidivism is defined as a habitual relapse into crime, which is a problem that is faced within the criminal justice system. Pennsylvania tracks information on inmates released in order to find the recidivism rates. In 2002 Pennsylvania Department of Corrections released 1,711 inmates charged with robbery and within three years 46.6% returned to prison, which was a decline from 2000 when 1,776 inmates charged for robbery were released and 52.8% of the inmates returned within three years (PADOC, 2006). A study was conducted in Italy in 2006 when the Collective Clemency Bill set all inmates with less than three years remaining on their sentence free however if the inmates were convicted of another crime within the next five years, the remainder of their sentence would be added onto the new sentence. This allowed studies to be conducted to see if longer prison terms would deter criminals. Studies showed that increasing the sentence by 50% should reduce recidivism rates by about 35% in seven months (Crime/Punishment, 2010). With inmates comes a bill to cover the housing, feeding, and medical costs of each inmate. The cost to house a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) is $ 69 per day (Barnes, 2010). In July 2010 the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections housed 51,281 inmates, at $69 per day that amounts to $3,538,389 per day or $1,291,151,985 per year (PADOC, 2010). There are multiple benefits of the bill being passed to double the maximum prison term for those convicted of armed robbery. The study that was conducted in Italy shows that longer prison sentences lowers the recidivism rates among offenders, which over time would reduce the population of the already over populated prisons. The criminals would be off the streets for a longer period of time preventing them from committing future crimes. Longer prison sentences could be a deterrent for some criminals. Robbery is one of the top two violent crimes committed in Pennsylvania and the longer sentence imposed on those criminals may lower the rate of armed robbery however it could cause an increase in other crimes. If the bill were passed and new prisons built to accommodate all inmates there would be more jobs available such as corrections officers, nurses, doctors, dentists, psychologists, and office personnel. These job openings would not only assist with job market, but also with having mo reà tax payers to assist with the money needed for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania budget. There are also multiple disadvantages to the bill being passed to double the maximum prison term for those convicted of armed robbery. Pennsylvania prisons are overpopulated as it is and by imposing longer sentences the problem is going to continue to get worse. As discussed earlier the prison population in June 2010 was 51,281 however the occupational bed capacity of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is only 43,872 (PADOC, 2010). The prisons are already operating at 116.9% of capacity and by passing this bill those rates are going to increase at a more rapid pace than they already are (PADOC, 2010). As discussed earlier the cost to house an inmate in Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is $69 per day which if this bill is passed a much larger budget is going to be required because inmates are going to be housed for a longer period of time. The need may arise for more prisons due to the longer prison terms which would require a much larger budget. With more prisons comes the need for more employees to operate those prisons which also is going to have an effect on the prison budget. Where is the money going to come from to meet the increase in the budget? The tax payers are the ones that are going to have to suffer to make the funding available for the prison system budget. Other crime rates may rise as a domino effect because criminals may turn to other crimes that are known to carry a lighter sentence if they are caught. If the bill is passed it is not required that judges sentence those convicted of the crime to the maximum sentence. Judges are required to look at mitigating and aggravating circumstances when sentencing individuals found guilty of committing crimes. Judges look at prior criminal history, personal life situation, was anyone hurt during the crime, or sometimes the remorse the person shows toward the crime they committed. This bill could be beneficial in the cases of habitual offenders because there would be stricter sentencing for the first offense rather than having to wait until the second or even third offense. As we all know with anything there is pros and cons. There appears to be more cons in this situation than there are pros which should make the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania legislature take a second look into whether or not passing this bill is going to be the most beneficial thing for the Commonwealth as a whole. I would find that it would not be beneficial to double the maximum sentence for those individualsà charged with committing armed robbery. The evidence shows that it would cost the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania more money to double the sentence for armed robbery. The evidence also proves that close to 50% of people convicted of armed robbery are going to reoffend which is going to bring them back to the criminal justice system and with one offense already committed they will receive a longer sentence the second time around. This also allows for those who are actually capable of being rehabilitated to have the chance to prove themselves without having to spend 10 years in pri son. References Barnes, T. (2010). Post-Gazette. Pa. sentencing guidelines eyed. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Crime/Punishment (2010). Do stiffer sentences act as a crime deterrent? Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (2006). Crime in the United States 2004. Violent Crime. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing (2008). Retrieved August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (2010). Monthly population report June 2010. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (2006). Recidivism in Pennsylvania State Correctional Institutions 1999-2004. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System (2008). Annual Report Robbery. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Sentencing guidelines (2010). Retrieved August 30, 2010 from
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Definition of Politics Essay
The art and science of government; dealing with the form, organisation and administration of a state or part of one, and of the regulation of its relations with other statesâ⬠¦political [means] belonging to or pertaining to the state, its government and policy. Oxford English Dictionary. There are two types of political systems, the Centralised political system, and the Decentralised political system. The centralised political system is a means to run the country under central control, with no local authorities creating rules and regulations for a specific area, an example of this is the former Soviet Union, or modern China. This ruling is known as communism. Sports in communist countries are controlled in the same way as any other social agencies, such as education. Sport was used for boosting morale, production, and effectiveness of the military and to provide a successful image for their regime around the world. The athletes of the communist bloc regimes dominated world sport for many years until the cold war ended. A decentralised political system is one where the administration of government is re-organised into smaller autonomous units such as local authorities in the UK and individual states in the USA. Each area decides its own policies on sport provision and effectiveness of sport in schools. Many sports people see sport as a means of escaping every day life, which is controlled by the government and do not which to see sport controlled except by their own governing, bodies e.g. IOC, FIFA. However, government influence cannot be avoided in some circumstances. Sport has been used for government propaganda purposes, for example the Nazi propaganda in the 1936 Olympic Games, which Hitler used to promote his Nazi ideals. In Russia, the government insisted that a fitness campaign called ââ¬Å"Ready for labour and defenceâ⬠was compulsory for all its citizens and was still operational in the latter half of the 20th century. In our own country, following heavy losses in the Boer war, it was felt that the military was not fit enough and so compulsory fitness exercises was instigated in all state schools in the early 20th century to improve the fitness of the working class. More recently, we can see how politics and sport cannot be separated when the English cricket team pulled out of a group match due to political unrest between Zimbabwe and England. Sport can be used to introduce or reinforce social harmony. By introducing good sporting facilities into areas that have suffered unrest, the government hopes to lure youths to use the facilities wisely in their spare time rather than be involved in anti-social behaviour. The governments Education Act of 1988 affected the provision of sport in schools. The conservative government wanted more control over the teaching of physical education in schools and produced a report called ââ¬Å"Raising the game.â⬠à In reality, sport needs politics as much as politics needs sport. For example, the government can provide finance and locations to stage major sporting events such as the Olympics and the World Cup. In return, sporting teams who perform well promote a country to the rest of the world, and raises national pride. All beneficial to any government. Drugs have been used throughout history, since the time of the Greeks and Romans who took substances to improve their performance and so it is not a modern problem. However, drug use in modern sport has become more widespread, and is now shown to be a problem across all the sports and in both genders, at both amateur and professional levels. An increase in drug use came about through various factors such as advances in biology and medicine, the use of drugs in WW2, the development, and availability of testosterone steroids and growth hormones in the 1950ââ¬â¢s. Weight trainers saw the potential of these drugs and used them to their own advantage and other athletes were able to see the potential of using drugs to improve their own play e.g. snooker players used beta-blockers to steady nerves.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Personal Responsibility for College Success Essay
I. To obtain college success through personal responsibility one must take ownership of their goals and ambitions. By prioritizing task such as managing time, setting realistic goals and keeping healthy, one can achieve personal career success. II. Body A. Definition of personal responsibility 1. Personal responsibility is when one solely takes responsibility over a something or someone or an action individually rather than in a collective group and makes sure that the task is accomplished. B. Relationship between personal responsibility and college success 1. One should recognize the importance of accepting personal responsibility for oneââ¬â¢s learning, time management and goal setting. With that one should also recognize that direct relationship between their personal responsibilities and oneââ¬â¢s college and lifelong success go hand in hand. C. Time Management skills 1. Monitor Time 2. Plan schedule D. Planning and Goal setting 1. Short Range Goals 2. Long Range Goals E. Health and Financial Planning 1. Exercise 2. Budget F. Action plan for implementing responsibility in your education 1. I will learn to manage my time by planning and setting appropriate goals and staying healthy and becoming financially stable. III. Conclusion: One should take personal responsibility for their own actions so they can lead themselves to a pathway of success, how one decides to manage their time between their personal responsibility and their college success is a major factor in achieving ones goals. One must learn to prioritize by any means, keeping healthy, managing ones emotions, keeping a sound mind, treating oneself with respect and knowing ones limits can help one achieve their goals.
Advanced Emergency Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Advanced Emergency Care - Essay Example The article was chosen for its rigour and scientific form and the aim of this analysis is thus to assess the article by Preston et al. (2009) and how well they follow general research standards (posing and testing a hypothesis) and the use of (appropriate) methods. The analysis examines therefore the aim of Preston et al. (2009) and how well it is tested, whether it is properly contextualized in the relevant literature, whether the sample, research site or population are adequate and clearly defined and ethical questions have been considered and whether there is a thorough presentation of the results of the test (a RESULTS section). As part of the analysis the focus must also be on the conclusions and recommendations by Preston et al. and the relevance of the paper to advanced emergency care practice. The evaluation of Preston et al (2009) also notes in which sense the study under examination has tested the research question and whether limitations of the findings are acknowledged (R ees 2003). This essay analyses the work of Preston et al. (2009) and draws on external literary sources ) and the Resuscitation Council Guidelines (UK) 2010 when further clarification and referencing is be needed. After the analysis, it proceeds by framing the research paper in terms of its relevance to practice. The conclusions offered are a summary of the arguments in the essay. Evaluation of the research article, ââ¬ËAssessing advanced life support competence: Victorian Practicesââ¬â¢ (Preston et al. 2009) 1. Aim in Preston et al. (2009) Preston et al. (2009) note that there are few studies that rigorously examining advanced life support (ALS) to direct educators about how to best assess ALS competence (knowledge and performance). The aim is therefore to point to a systematic approach to guide educators and has, as will be seen later, great relevance to practice. Preston et al.ââ¬â¢s (2009) aim is accordingly to determine the most useful methods to assess competence amon g nurses and their resuscitation skills and knowledge (Preston et al. 2009, pp. 164-65). Their research is descriptive and uses content analysis (arranging the data into categories). It follows the standards of proper research presentation (Bowling, 2009; Rees, 2003). 2. Literature review Having outlined the problem by way of their hypothesis and aim, Preston et al. (2009) now turn to an analysis of relevant literary sources and concepts. So as to provide proper background to their own study (to contextualize it in the literature, Rees 2003) they cite the work of Chiarella et al. published in 2008. It identifies the competence to be tested, such as skills, knowledge, attitudes, values and abilities that appear to shape performance (ibid: 165). In the assessment of skills and ALS competence, psychomotor proficiency is recommended by other studies cited and refer to ââ¬Ëarrhythmia [irregular heartbeat] recognitionââ¬â¢, defribillation, intravenous therapy through insertion of in travenous cannula, administration of drugs and other means of coping with cardiac arrest by managing the airways and through ventilation and by assuring proper transport of the patient. While Preston et al. (2009) refer to Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines (ibid: 165), one my here usefully refer to a similar
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Synoptic Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Synoptic Problem - Essay Example in terms of the birth of Jesus, his life, ministry, death and resurrection (Linnemann 43). However, some people claim that since the three gospels are similar, the authors must have used each otherââ¬â¢s gospels, or possible another common source. According to Hayes (20), the similarities in the three gospels are many and close including the material presented, as well as a wording of texts. For this reason, some form of literary dependence has been assumed where some believe that one author copied texts that were previously written by someone else. According to Griesbach hypothesis, the canonical order in which the gospels were written was Matthew, Luke, and Mark. Thus, the gospel of Matthew was written first, and then Luke; hence, Luke used the gospel of Matthew as his source to write his gospel. This hypothesis attempted to explain the unique features of the gospel of Luke and why the gospel was written. Also, this hypothesis states that Mark used both Matthew, as well as Luke as sources for his own gospel. Luke was a well educated man whose primary language was Greek, but also studied Latin and could speak quite well. For this reason, Luke was able to obtain a copy of Markââ¬â¢s gospel in Latin, which explains the similarity between Markââ¬â¢s gospels and Lukeââ¬â¢s gospel. However, there are some minor agreements of about 6% between Matthew and Luke that are not found in Mark, which shows that they did not come into Lukeââ¬â¢s Gospel through Mark (Linnemann 45). The Griesbach hypothesis is a solution to the synoptic problem in which the gospel of Matthew was written first, and Luke used it to write his gospel. Luke is said to have dismantled collections of periscopes from Matthew and placed some of them in other contexts. This shows that, since Matthew was the first gospel, Luke borrowed some material from him, which Mark did not use (Hayes 22). How Luke used Matthew as a source for
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Why auditor must to be objective and independent Essay
Why auditor must to be objective and independent - Essay Example In order to successfully carryout this feat, it can be seen that independent auditors play a significant role in the functioning of global capital markets. As such, this paper has been designed to evaluate the main reasons why auditors must be independent and objective in their operations. The main part of the paper will focus on why focus in terms of auditing financial statements of different companies is put on aspects such as objectivity as well as independence of the auditors who carry out different tasks related to financial reporting in the company. According to Kueppers & Sullivan (2010), the audit profession plays a very significant role in the functioning of the global capital markets and it also adds value to various roles played by different stakeholders in financial reporting in an organization. However, the effectiveness of an audit is reflected by the absence of failure of business or fraud after it has been completed. This can be achieved if an independent auditor is h ired to perform such a task in the organization. Ussahawanitchakit (2012, p.1) posits to the effect that during the recent years, ââ¬Å"auditors have become important professions for directly and indirectly promoting the growth of economics in the countries.â⬠These professionals significantly help the stakeholders and other people to assess the value of the firmââ¬â¢s financial information in all aspects of business. This can be achieved through the implementation of accounting and auditing standards that are within the dictates of the financial rules and regulations in a given country (Intakhan and Ussahawanitchakit, 2010). In most cases, independent auditors are more appropriate in carrying out this particular task. In as far as auditing is concerned, it is imperative for the auditors to have some form of independence so that they can impartially dispense their duties. Basically, ââ¬Å"audit independence is defined as an objective and trustworthy arbiter of the fair pre sentation of financial results,â⬠(Falk et al., 1999 as cited in Ussahawanitchakit (2012, p.12). This is a critical factor in the audit profession given that it is comprised of objectivity and is often free from bias. Audit independence is very important in the preparation of financial statements since it helps to generate investor confidence if the financial statement has been carried out by an outsider or independent person. Beattie et al (1999), suggest that in general, audit independence includes independence in fact, which is an unbiased mental attitude of an auditor, and independence in appearance, which is the perception by a reasonable observer that an auditor has no relationship with an audit client which would suggest a conflict of interest audit independence can be achieved if there are no conflicts of interests among the parties involved. It can also be noted that independent auditors are mainly concerned with upholding the principles of ethics, fairness and other p ractices and operations for presenting audit quality which plays a role in improving the quality of auditing that would done. Independent audits are also important since they help to promote fairness in the creation of financial statements and are likely to go a long way in sustaining integrity in terms of financial reporting. Georgiade (2011), states that the responsibilities of the independent auditor when conducting an audit of financial statements in accordance with GAAS include the following: ââ¬Å"Obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial sta
Friday, July 26, 2019
Rogers Chocolate Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Rogers Chocolate - Case Study Example Rogersââ¬â¢ sold chocolates, related specialty products and premium ice cream items. As Zietsma (2007) notes, firstly, competition was a point of concern since traditional players in the chocolate business were moving into the premium sector where Rogersââ¬â¢ had a presence (p 20). Secondly, there was a shift in consumer preferences towards organic chocolates. Moreover, consumers were becoming more environment conscious. There were significant costs involved in set up and cleaning involved in the production process. The disruption in schedules influenced by various factors was the cause for frequent out-of- stock situations faced by Rogersââ¬â¢. An ageing consumer base was also pertinent since there was no potential replacement for the eventual loss of customers. A traditional mindset of the employees meant that Rogersââ¬â¢ was not ready to reinvent itself in the present context. 2. PESTEL Analysis The political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal is sues pertaining to Rogersââ¬â¢ are described in this section. 2.1 Political Change in governments affect the formulation and implementation of policies related to the chocolate industry. Rogers being in the premium chocolate segment, its products could be considered as elitist. A populist government could be at logger heads with Rogersââ¬â¢. Moreover, there could be pressure from political parties to unionise Rogersââ¬â¢ since the company would attract the attention of trade unions. Lobbying by competitors was also one of the threats that loomed over Rogers. Any decision which was the result of such bargaining could prove detrimental to the business interests of Rogers. The sales of Rogersââ¬â¢ outside Canada was also affected by the policies of foreign countries especially those of the US and Europe. Diplomatic stand offs between Canada and other nations would have a bearing on the bottom line of Rogersââ¬â¢. Every trade related treaty signed between Canada and other nations provided an opportunity to Rogersââ¬â¢. Likewise, when such treaties are abrogated, it is a threat to the activities at Rogersââ¬â¢. 2.2 Economic The changes in the economy also have a bearing on the fortunes of Rogersââ¬â¢. In times of recession, the sales of luxury goods are hit the most, which brings a drop in sales of premium chocolate. Further, cost cutting measures are required at every step in business. This could adversely affect the quality and hence the brand name of Rogersââ¬â¢. There could be a threat of layoffs in such cases. This would lead to change in employment patterns in the organisation as permanent staff is replaced by part-timers. The prices of raw materials could also increase leading to a hike in the prices of chocolates. This would make Rogersââ¬â¢ products unattractive in foreign markets. Economic sanctions against the countries providing raw materials to Rogersââ¬â¢ could hit production. Damage to crops, diversion of raw material s to competitors on account of better prices etc. are some of the other issues that can hamper production. This would make Rogersââ¬â¢ products unattractive in foreign markets. 2.3 Social Rogersââ¬â¢ had not packaged itself differently based on current trends. Hence, an ageing baby boomer generation remained its target audience. Though this group of consumers had an inclination for quality goods, eventually there would be no customers left if the younger generation does not replace them. Rogersââ¬â¢ marketing would have to change to reflect this reality. Similarly, the employees at Rogersââ¬â¢ were caught in a time warp as they had been in the same organisation for two to three generations. While there was cohesion among employees
Thursday, July 25, 2019
What is he demographic transition and why is it important today Essay
What is he demographic transition and why is it important today - Essay Example As the birth and death rates are identical in this phase therefore this phenomenon results in a very slow population growth and the population remains almost stationary over the period of time. The high death rates at this stage are imputed to lack of knowledge about disease prevention and shortages of food supply. Since in the days of yore, there was a lack of clean drinking water, scarcity of good food hygiene, and ineffective sanitary systems therefore it resulted in very high death rates. Diseases pertaining to water and food such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhoea were discerned as fatal diseases and they were common killers at those times. A handful of child survived their early stages of life. Similarly, high birth rates at those periods are ascribed to all the factors that are linked with high fertility. Since the death rates among the children remained high therefore mothers craved for new children and there was no question as to the need for children even if the measures to control them had existed. The second stage of demographic transition (beginning of industrialization) observes a rapid decline in the death rate while the birth rate remains at the same level. As a consequence of this, the gap between deaths and births grows wider which in turn increases the population of the country. The drastic decline in death is ascribed to different factors. Firstly, economies observe massive improvements in their food supply furnished by higher yields as farming processes are refined and improved. Such improvements include crop rotation, selective breeding, and seed drill technology (Montgomery 2005). Secondly, development in countryââ¬â¢s infrastructure improves the transportation system and hence it saves from death due to starvation. Finally, there are substantial improvements in the realm of public health, specifically during the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
US foreign policy and history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
US foreign policy and history - Essay Example The American Civil War of 1861 - 1865 remains the most severe military action the US has been involved in. That war between the North and South would have great consequence upon the political, economic, military, and social life of the country.Although these consequences have been discussed by several generations of American and foreign historians, the debate is still far from being over.Politically, the War resolved arguably the key problem that persisted since the American Revolution of 1776: it proved that the republic is capable of coping with both external and internal threats. Until the War many predicted that the US would follow the same pattern many republics did in the 18th and 19th centuries: either collapse into tyranny or suffer a series of overthrows and devastating civil wars. The victory of the North in the War unified the nation and convincingly proved the United States' viability as a federal republic: since the War ended in 1965, no state has attempted secede from t he federation (McPherson, 1989). Besides, the War eliminated any doubts regarding supremacy of the Federal government over the states' authorities. Another critically important outcome of the Civil War was abolishment of the slavery. The 13th Amendment, establishing the Freedmen's Bureau (March 1865) which provided food, medical aid, and education to freed people, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which granting citizenship to blacks and authorized the federal government to protect their rights, and the 14th Amendment - these critically important documents have become the direct outcome of the Civil War. Evidently, the emancipation of 4 million slaves strongly affected economic life, social relations, and military institutions - literally each sphere of life - but in the first turn this accomplishment of the victors should be addressed as a political issue due to the following reasons. In the middle of the 19th century, the United States was powerful enough to equally compete with many E uropean countries and be regarded as an influential international force. However, legalized slavery - an ugly anachronism of the Dark Ages - seriously undermined the country's reputation in the eyes of European countries (Brinkley et al, 1991). Although the legislative amendments failed to immediately win equal rights for black citizens, emancipation of slaves raised international prestige of the United States as a civilized country. One of the most often admitted reasons for the Civil War was determination of the South to preserve their traditional agrarian society based upon labor of slaves. Although the system brought large profits to the Southern slavocracy, it represented a huge contrast with the capitalist North were wage labor prevailed, which slowed down development of capitalism in the United States (McPherson, 1989). The Northern victory removed that harmful contrast, finally caused the Industrial Revolution in the South, and turned the American economic system homogeneous thus opening the way for further development of capitalist relations in the country. The War also stimulated the Northern industry. Producers of arms, munitions, canneries and meat packers made striking profits during the four years of war. A number of farmers had to take weapons and change their traditional occupation while the army required a lot of farm products -that combination of circumstances stimulated development of the farm machine industry and growing prosperity of Northern farmers. However, when the War was over, the farmers found out that rapid onset of new technical devices coupled with availability of new lands in the South dropped prices for the agricultural production. Many authorities admit that precisely at that time American farmers lost much of their former independence (Brinkley et al,
Political Instability in Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Political Instability in Egypt - Essay Example Mubarak has been oppressing the rise of rebellion for many months in order to keep the centralized power. This clearly relates to Millââ¬â¢s On Liberty, as the dictator is trying to maintain harmony and status quo. He clearly uses this to for explaining the necessity of a political sovereign state (Mill). Furthermore, he insists on a sovereign leader with absolute power that would bring security and calmness to people. In addition, he himself insists on this fact, since he witnessed a civil war that tore his country. The evil that lurks in unlimited power is the focal point of Millââ¬â¢s argument. Undoubtedly, Millââ¬â¢s argument for absolutism is due to the fact that the state of nature is indeed war (Mill). Millââ¬â¢s main agenda is to show that, rationally, men will seek peace against the state of nature of conflict behavior. Millââ¬â¢s bold attempt to convince the fact that men are creatures of peace in a state of nature is, nonetheless, a difficult thing to prove since mankind is struggling in constant warfare (Mill). Thus, Millââ¬â¢s explanation of conflict is complex and hard to comprehend since, even in perfect conditions, certain man will rise to occasion to challenge authority (Mill). Itââ¬â¢s human nature to seek pride, glory and fame; without doubt, humanity will continue to be engrossed in these acts because it can never be satisfied. Clearly, the authorââ¬â¢s task is to show that the nature of men is complex. Millââ¬â¢s theory elaborates that men are instrumentally designed to seek rationality in all instances for their best self-interest (Mill). Thus, this is the reason for the general tendency of mankind to desire power after power until death strikes them. The competition does not rise from the general scarcity of resources but Mill does not imply that. He implies that when distributed equally, even if insufficient for fulfillment of community needs, resources will never be sufficient for the satisfaction of certain p eopleââ¬â¢s quest to obtain more power (Mill). People in their state of nature tend to have mistrust and compete for natural competition of power. Thus, the people of Egypt have revolted because of lack of free elections, high unemployment, corruption that plagues the country, and restriction of free speech. Egypt was less than a month away from holding parliamentary elections after Hosni Mubarak was ousted from power earlier this year. The natural competition for men to elect a leader that can protect their interest is crucial for Egypt (Brennan). Mill states that if the leader under power cannot provide his people with sustenance, a rebellion can threaten to change the status quo (Brennan). Clearly, Mubarak failed to give his people the free democratic elections he promised earlier. For many decades, the mass majority of the populous was surprised to see Mubarakââ¬â¢s party known as the National Democratic Party win by huge margins (Jensen, 2010). Many began to question the true cause of these results and accusations of vote rigging, fraud and bribery have been the focal point against Mubarakââ¬â¢s campaign. Hence, according to Mill, a revolution is almost guaranteed when individuals have little or no impact in the politics that govern themselves (Mill). Another key element Mill discusses in his work is brilliantly illustrated in this particular scenario. It is the fact that individuals are likely to rebel if unemployment plagues the region. This scene can be brilliantly depicted
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Staffing Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Staffing Organization - Assignment Example Lastly, I will propose the types of initial and substantive assessment methods, and identify predictors used to assess KSAOs. 1. Formulate a recruitment plan and strategy that will be used to staff the coffee shop initially and throughout the next three (3) years. A recruitment strategy ensures that business goals are attained. It is referred to as a roadmap that guides business personnel on best methods of hiring quality employees. In formulating recruitment strategy for Gourmet Coffee Shop, the first plan that I will use to staff the coffee shop in the next three years is job description. It involves finding out detailed information on the kind of post that applicants need to occupy (Jex, 2002). Workers always have the tendency knowing the type vacancies advertised before they think of applying for the job. Job description also involves job specification, which is an elucidation of the credentials, familiarity and personal aspects required by a candidate. Methods such as promoting initial employees within the Coffee shop ensure that a business preserves and encourages hard working employees. The process of promoting staffs within has significant advantages since they are used to the working environment. Furthermore, another method is referral, in which staff members are expected to bring in new qualified recruits to the business. The strategy is cheap since it reduces the recruitment cost, involves current employees, motivates staff, and decreases time spent in hiring. Other methods that can be used are inside headhunt, looking for resume databases or hiring an outside employee service. The second strategy is screening and evaluation of the job applicants. This process leads to short-listing process that involves getting qualified members of the team and removing those that have failed to achieve the interview requirements. Lastly, the final strategy to apply is documentation of the recruited staff members. This will assist in tracking the qualified applicant s, hence making it easy to monitor their work for the successful running if the coffee shop (Bechet, 2008). The documentation will act as a source of evidence proving that the recruitment was a fair process to evade conflict and misunderstandings. 2. Create a communication message (realistic, brand, or targeted) to attract applicants to the open positions. I will create a brand communication message to attract applicant for the open positions, and ensure that has the ability for sustainability, self-selection and business growth (Davis, 2010). Gourmet Coffee Shop offers unique and quality coffee and extra fast foods that are prepared by experts. Coffee is the major product served by the shop to its customers and is prepared exceptionally for the targeted students and lectures of the nearby college. Employees will obtain free job training for an outstanding and quality services offered to customers by working for the coffee shop. Consequently, the strategic location of the Gourmet Co ffee Shop makes it an ever busy shop. Furthermore, the coffee shop is an employerââ¬â¢s choice because of its considerate salary it offers to staff members, unlike other coffee shop that pays its workers small amount of money. Gourmet Coffee Shop recognizes the hard work and effort put by its workers by rewarding them by issuing out promotions and bonuses. 3. Select the communication medium for the recruitment effort and explain why that method was chosen over others. I will use is social media as a communication
Monday, July 22, 2019
Why Do Sunnis (Taliban) Hate Shias Essay Example for Free
Why Do Sunnis (Taliban) Hate Shias Essay Taliban the worlds most extreme and radical Islamic organization that inspires fascination, controversy, and especially fear in both the Muslim world and the West has been brought into sharp focus in Ahmed Rashids book Taliban. This enormously insightful book gives an account of Talibans rise to power, its impact on Afghanistan and the Central Asian region. The book also analyzes the wider regional and geopolitical implications of the Talibans advent to power and the role that Taliban has to play in oil and gas companies decisions. The author also discusses about the changing attitudes of various countries like America and Saudi Arabia towards Taliban and its effects on Afghanistan. The word Taliban has been derived from the term talib, which means a student of an Islamic seminary. These seminaries have existed for thousands of years and Islamic boys have gone to these schools to study the Koran, Islamic law, in order to become preachers. The Taliban took this name because it is a symbol of Islam, and a symbol of doing good, and bringing people around to an Islamic viewpoint, and imposing law and order. It was a name that was initially welcomed by the Afghan people. To understand the enmity between the Hazaras and Iran and the Taliban it is very important to clarify here that the Hazars and Iranians are Shias while the Taliban are mostly Sunnis. And for me, the main reason why the Taliban hate Hazaras and Iran and why Iran and Hazaras hate Taliban is because of the one mentioned above. The enmity between the Sunni Pashtuns and the Shia Hazaras goes a long way but the Taliban brought a new edge to the conflict for they treated all the Shias as hypocrites and beyond the pale of true Islam. The earliest clashes between the Shia Hazaras and the Sunni Pashtuns can be traced all the way back to 1893 about 100 years before the creation of the Taliban. Pashtun king Abdul Rehman, who initiated the first anti-Hazara program, killing thousands of Hazars, moving thousands more to Kabul where they lived as serfs and servants, and destroying their mosques (Rashid 68). The first most important event that soiled the reputation of the Taliban inà the eyes of the Hazaras, and their main patron Iran was the controversial death of the Hazara leader, Abdul Ali Mazari while in Taliban custody. Masud, the Mujaheddin leader launched a surprise attack against the Hazaras, sending tanks into Kabuls southern suburbs, smashing the Hazaras and driving them out of Kabul. In desperation the Hazars cut a deal with the advancing Taliban, yielding their arms and their positions to them. But while in the custody of Taliban the Hazara leader died. The Hazaras contest that he was pushed out of a helicopter, because he tried to grab a rifle when he was being taken to Kandahar as a prisoner. But the Taliban continue to deny their involvement in it and continue to say that it was an accident. The death of Mazari, accidental or intentional was one of the first events that soiled the reputation of the Taliban in the eyes of the Hazars (Radhid 35). There have been numerous clashes between the Hazaras and the Taliban. Probably one of the most significant clashes that took place between the Hazaras and the Taliban was in 1997. Malik who was the second in command to Dostum betrayed Dostum when a feud broke out between them. Malik went to the Taliban and asked them to help him oust Dostum. This was just the opportunity that Taliban had been waiting for. Together with Dostum and his few accomplices Taliban attacked Dostum on 19 May 1997. This created an unrest within his ranks, and soon a group of 2500 heavily armed Taliban men entered Mazara. The Taliban troops, most of whom had never been to the north before, arrogantly started disarming the fierce Hazara troops, took over mosques where they declared the imposition of the Sharia law, shut down schools and drove women off the streets. This of course created a lot anti-Taliban feeling amongst the Mazars. On 28 May 1997, when a squabble broke out because group of Hazaras were resisting disarmament, hell broke out. First Mazars Hazaras then the rest of the population rose in revolt. Untrained in street fighting and not knowing the maze of city alleyways, the Taliban were easy victims as they drove their pickups drove right into dead ends. Within 15 hours some 600 Taliban soldiers were massacred and 1000 more were at the airport as they were tried to flee. Soon Malik organized his troops and then took control of four northern provinces, which the Taliban had captured. The remaining Taliban troops were either shot dead or buried in mass graves. Encouraged by this, Masud recaptured the territory that hadà fallen to the Taliban just a week before. Thousands of more Taliban were either killed or captured. Meanwhile the Hazaras, spurred on by the Mazar victory also counter attacked, breaking the nine month Taliban siege of their homeland, Hazarajat. It was one of the worst defeats of the Taliban with over 3000 casualties, killed or wounded, and some 3600 men were taken as prisoners (Rahid 58-59). This sort of massacre of the Taliban left a permanent dent in the minds of the Taliban and made them even more anti Hazaras than they already were. The Taliban responded to this brutal massacre of their forces, in 1998. It was on 12 July when it all began, the Taliban swept northwards after sweeping Dostums forces. They later moved on as they bribed the Uzbek officials who were guarding the western road into Mazar, leaving the 1500 Hazara force susceptible to a sudden attack. It came in the early hours of 8 August 1998, when the Hazara force found them to be surrounded. They fought till their ammunition lasted and then it happened. Taliban soldiers entered Mazara on an unsuspecting public. What followed was a brutal massacre, as the Taliban took revenge of their losses from the previous year. The killing went on for days. The Taliban went on a frenzy, killing and shooting everyone they saw including children and women. Then the Taliban went into the houses of Hazaras and massacred entire families. Bodies were not given proper burial and were left to rot for days on the streets. Although it was impossible to get a correct body count but it was estimated that 5000 to 6000 people were killed in the massacre (Rashid 72-73). Once in control of the north the Taliban aimed to cleanse the north of the Shias. Shias were given three choices convert to Sunni Islam, leave for Shia Iran or die. All prayers services that were conducted by the Shia in mosques were banned. The Taliban governor general of Mazar, Mullah Niazi declared The Hazaras are not Muslims and now we have to kill the Hazaras. Wherever you go we will catch you. If you go up we will pull you down by your feet; if you hide below, we will pull you up by your hair. This clearly shows us that the hate between the two main groups of Muslims had reached a new level which was based on pure hate and abhorrence (Rahid 74). The Talibans brutal treatment of the Shia Hazaras made Iran which is a Shia country very anti-Taliban. Iran became very critical of the Taliban and tried to stop their movement at every step. They supported anti-Taliban alliances and started interfering in the politics of Afghanistan. They funded many leaders and many kings who were anti-Taliban in a desperate attempt of restricting Talibans advancements. Iran declared publicly that it would support any anti-Taliban alliance and appealed to Russia, India and the Central Asian states to help them also. In fact Iran was flying 22 flights a day to Mazar carrying arms. The reaction of this sort of support of Iran to any anti-Taliban alliance was that the Taliban officials were furious and accused Iran of supporting the opposition and grew even more hostile to Iran (Rashid 61). One of the most significant events that permanently damaged the reputation of the Taliban before Iran was the fall of Baimyan. Taliban occupied Baimyan and destroyed nearly 2000 year old Bhudda statues there. Iran responded to this by organizing a military exercise of some seventy thousand men, backed by guns and tanks along the Iran-Afghanistan border. This was followed by some 200,000 Iranian troops that were placed along the Iran-Afghanistan border. The Taliban also mobilized some 5000 fighters to prevent the Iranian invasion. Tensions between Iran and Taliban subsided when the UN Security Council sent Lakhdar Brahimi and met Mullah Omar (Rashid 76). In conclusion, I would like to say that Taliban has been a very interesting and fascinating book. In the end everyone comes out looking bad, in this book. Every nation, every economic faction, and every ethnic group acts purely out of short-term self interest without worrying about the people of Afghanistan, whose lives they were damaging. The United States firstly supports Taliban and then tries to eliminate them because they had lost interest in the Taliban regime and it no longer served their (United States) propose. Even Iran interfered in the life and politics of Afghanistan because they wanted to save the Shias there. They never really cared for the other factions of the Afghan population. Even Pakistan and Saudi Arabia interfered in Afghanistan because they wanted to protect the interests of the Sunnis there, and even they did not care about any other factions of theà Afghan population there. I think that before we can even start thinking of a secular and a peaceful Afghanistan, it is very important for all outside governments to stop interfering in the life and the politics of Afghanistan. I think that another reason why Afghanistan is so intolerant of other religions and cultures is because they are forced to be intolerant of other religions and cultures. Like the Sunnis have to be intolerant of the Shias and be brutal to them otherwise they will not be able to impress the Pakistan and the Saudi government which will result in a cut of their donations. For once the people of Afghanistan should once feel that they are independent and that they do not have to work under some government. Also, while I do say that there should be no foreign influence in the politics and the life of Afghanistan, I would also say that foreign governments have to make an honest effort to develop Afghanistan. Governments have to see to it that they make sure that they are developing entire Afghanistan and not just the people they support, because then it will lead to the same situation that we have right now. The whole of Afghanistan needs to feel united; and if only one group develops and the other does not then it will lead to enmity and jealousy between the two groups. Also, by being economically self-sufficient Afghanistan will not be susceptible to foreign influence because they will not be dependent on other countries for aid and loans. And if Afghanistan is not developed then it will lead to a big black hole which will just reach out and take the whole world with it. Which can range from illegal trade across the borders to cheap drugs on American streets to the bombings of the WTC.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
YouTubes Fair Use Policy
YouTubes Fair Use Policy In this day and age, technology is constantly changing, thus the Internet is a prominent place of self-discovery, and unfortunately a place of digital intellectual property fraud. With YouTube being the top video website of this century, it has recognized intellectual property fraud and accurately taken action in implementing the appropriate laws and regulations to keep up with the changing digital copyright issues. In this essay, I will discuss the ways in which YouTube has created a fair and reasonable method of dealing with digital copyright within their company through fair use, content IDââ¬â¢s, and the affects and rewards given to those who take part in misuse. The United States constructs their copyright laws off the principle of ââ¬Å"fair useâ⬠. This meaning, that under certain circumstances, copyright is acceptable within the use of teaching, scholarship, research, criticism, commentary ,and news reporting according to U.S. judges (YouTube, What is Fair Use). Four factors are taken into consideration when determining whether a use is fair, or unfair; YouTube follows this policy as well. These factors include: the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion, and the effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of the copyrighted work (YouTube, What is Fair Use). The purpose and character of the use discusses whether it is of a profitable nature or for charitable informative purposes. Judges naturally clue in on whether the use is interchangeable, meaning, whether it incorporates fresh content, importance of the original, or if it is absolute duplica tes from the original. The nature of the copyrighted work bases its evaluation of the content from mostly realistic works; they are more expected to be fair than the use of fictitious based works. The amount and substantiality of the portion is used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole. Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use than borrowing large portions, however, even a small amount borrowed may rule against fair use in some situations if it constitutes the message or ââ¬Å"heartâ⬠of the work. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work considers the uses that are harming to the copyright ownerââ¬â¢s ability to profit from his or her original work. These examples are more likely to be unfair uses. Parodies, or remixes have sometimes been an exception within courts (YouTube, What is Fair Use). Copyright users use Content IDââ¬â¢s for the purpose of keeping track of their own personal online content, in the sense of intellectual property issues. When YouTube members input their videos onto the website, they are automatically scanned for content misconduct compared to all other posts. According to the users choice of policy for their video, if content ID detects intellectual property fraud, that specific policy will be put into action towards the work (YouTube, How Content ID works). Monetize, block, and track are the three copyright policies within YouTube that a user may choose from. The monetize policy focuses on advertising that the user did not give permission to, emerge before, or on top of the video, thus the owner may apply a monetary agreement. If the owner of the video has chosen the blocking policy, the video may result in having the audio detached, or the video may not be available for viewing on the site, they will also have control of what countries the frau d video will be allowed to be viewed within. This means that while you cannot hear nor watch your video, people in other locations may be able to (YouTube, How Content ID works). Tracking policy does not affect your video in any physical way, though all information including statistics will appear on the original owners account (YouTube, How Content ID works). YouTube does give users a chance to fight these policies, if they feel as though they were false (YouTube, How Content ID works). YouTube gives out fair penalties when dealing with copyright offenders, for example, if one of your videos was to be taken down because of a copyright infringement, then your account would receive a single strike. According to the guidelines, if your account has three strikes it will be suspended right away. If the account contains tracked videos then your video will not be affected, but the owner of the video has the right to track viewership through statistics which can be accessed through their YouTube Analytics account. Any claims that you believe were made in error, can be argued against straight from that page (YouTube, How copyright claims may affect your video). If your YouTube channel has no Community Guideline strikes, copyright strikes and videos that have been blocked worldwide by Content ID, then your channel would be considered to be in good standing. If it is the case that your account is in good standing with no penalties then you are rewarded with access to certain f eatures and programs that are not offered otherwise. Some of these rewarded features include: In Video Programming, Custom video thumbnails, and YouTube Live (Youtube, Keep your YouTube account in good standing). If ones YouTube account does not have a good record, receiving multiple strikes of any kind can have serious consequences for your channel beyond hurting your account standing. You have several options to regain good account standing, depending on the violation. A user whoââ¬â¢s account with has a Community Guideline strike, will have the option of either appealing the strike or waiting for it to expire in the condition that you do no receive another strike for a six month period. In the case that you get a copyright strike, you have the options of: waiting six months until it expires, asking the person who has claimed your video to undo their claim, and finally you may submit a counter-notification (YouTube, How copyright claims may affect your video). With technology evolving and the World Wide Web growing, video based websites are gaining popularity along with substantial growth. As we identified, YouTube recognizes this and follows a very stern, yet fair copyright policy by using fair use, content IDââ¬â¢s, and the penalties and rewards in order to deal with digital intellectual property misconduct. The United States constructs their copyright dues off the principle of ââ¬Å"fair useâ⬠and follows four factors to determine whether or not the situation is applicable; content IDââ¬â¢s allow YouTube members to track their original videos to see if there has been any activity on YouTube that involves them, and copyright; lastly YouTube applies penalties and rewards when dealing with copyright crime within their company. Technology will only continue to evolve, and YouTube will need to improve and alter their policies when dealing with this issue in the future, along with many others video based websites.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay
Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay The founding of the American nation was largely dependent on the opinions of two groups of people based on their views and opinions regarding the constitution at the time. It was age whereby the citizens of America had just begun to recover from the effect of civil war and the constitution was a largely debated area as each group of people had interests in it. The two groups of people now referred to as federalists and anti-federalists wanted each of their concerns to be noted and certain parts of the constitution, which in their opinion was not fair, amended. Thus the two groups formed the basis of the two major political parties in the United States, The Republicans and The Democrats. This paper therefore shall compare the presidencies of two presidents, President elect Barrack Obama and his predecessor George W. Bush. It shall analyze their actions while in office, both economic and domestic, their effects and try to make comparisons with the views of the founding federalists and anti-federalists. Furthermore, it shall try to conclude which president fits into which mold; whether they are anti-federalists or federalists. George W. Bush ran for presidency in the year 2000 and termed himself a passionate conservative. With reference to foreign policy he heavily criticized the actions of Al Gore in sending U.S troops for peace-keeping missions that he deemed were not vital to national interest. However, at the same time he was pushing for more funding for the Pentagon and was seen calling for more action and tougher posture against à ¿Ã ½rogueà ¿Ã ½ countries such as Iraq and North Korea. One of the goals in the bush presidency was to accelerate progress on deregulating industry and implementing tax reductions in an attempt to weaken the federal government thus strengthening the conservative agenda. The administration relied on executive authority to relax the workplace as well as the environmental regulations. Bush sought to weaken the fiscal, standing of the Treasury and to roll back those areas of the government that were most vulnerable politically. The effect of this was powerful as the tax cuts distributed government benefits to Americans, rich and wealthy, which constituted a core part of the Republican coalition. Bush reflected in his practices the policies used by former republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. The policies involved placing politically motivated administrators with vested interests in important positions. These administrators were unsympathetic to the programs they managed and thus were ruthless when doing their work. An effect of this was a range of new advisory bodies developed around the presidency, many of which complemented the main cabinet departments, with the cabinet declining in influence. The National Security Council and the Office of Management and Budget are prime examples. The attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11 2001 offered Bush an opportunity to establish his political credibility, to reassert presidential leadership and to defend the interests of the United States. Through the event of the United States bombing in 9/11, Bush pushed aggressively for the use of executive-centered national security programs. Such programs involved the expansion of interrogation techniques including torture, which broke the national precedent and ignored international laws on detainee treatment. After the 9/11 event Bush announced an all-out war on terrorism and ordered the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As the United States entered recession in 2007, the bush administration through the enactment of several economic programs took a more direct control of the United States economy in an attempt to preserve the countryà ¿Ã ½s financial system. These policies included among others implementing a 170 billion economic stimulus package which aimed at sending tax rebate checks to Americans and providing tax breaks for struggling businesses. However, the policies were ill-equipped to deal with the looming financial crisis in what is termed to be the longest recession after World War 2 in history. The Presidency of Barrack Obama Obama, within his first 100 days set up to gather up support for his economic stimulus package otherwise known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He further put through Congress the expanded State Health Insurance program. Furthermore, his administration was able to put into law the Ledbetter law which requires equal pay for women in all sectors. The obama administration is also credited with legislating health care reforms. This was done through winning the approval of the congress on a budget resolution regarding the matter. In his campaign and since Obama has heavily criticized the bush administration for ignoring the situation there and focusing too much on Iraq. At the onset of his campaign, Obama promised to withdraw all United States troops from Iraq, within 16 months, though he has laxed on this view, his actions seem to be more anti-war and catious. Analysts have commented that Obamaà ¿Ã ½s view on United States emphasis being on Afghanistan as a politically correct stand on the issue. Moreover, the Obama administration broke supported the United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity and relaxed the enforcement on marijuana laws. It also lifted the ban on embryonic stem research put in place since the Bush administration. Obama also ordered the closure of the Guatanamo bay detention camp in Cuba which was notorious for the infringement of human and detainee rights. Comparison of the two presidents with the federalists and anti-federalists views When comparing the presidencies of the Bush and Obama administrations against the federalists and anti-federalist views it is important to consider what these people based their views on. The Anti-federalists were of the opinion, at the time of founding, that Congress and the executive b ranch of the government wielded too much power. They were also of the opinion that vthe constitution gave too much national power at the expense of the state governments. Additionally they were displeased by the lack of a bill of human rights within the constitution. The federalists, on the other hand responded that the separation of powers into three independent branches protected the rights of the people. Each branch was in fact representing a different aspect of the people and as all three were equal, there was fair say among all the branches and thus equity among the people. With this perspective in mind, we can now compare the two presidents. Former president Bush was largely conservative and this was evident through the socio-economic problems that his administrationà ¿Ã ½s actions caused. Thus it can be seen that he would largely fit in with the anti-federalist group. Furthermore, his actions to weaken the federal government so as to strengthen the conservative side of the government wing show that he is more anti-federalist than a federalist. President Obama, however, would more fit in with the federalist group. His actions largely bordering on developing policies that benefit all Americans equally show a federalist nature. His call to strengthen the federal government and his actions of abandoning the Bush administration policies further reinforce this fact. Though it can be seen that through his action, President Obama is setting into the mold of a federalist it is still too young in his presidential term to conclude on the issue. Conclusion Though neither president exactly fits into the mould of either federalists or anti-federalists, it can be summarized that through their actions during their term of presidency, George. W. Bush was more of an anti-federalist and President elect Barrack Obama more of a federalist.
A & P - John Updike :: essays research papers
A & P takes place in a community inland that is sandy, yet near the coast. It starts out in the supermarket in which three girls in bathing suits walk in. One of these girls catches the eye of Sammy, which is working at the supermarket, Queenie. ââ¬Å"The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the backs of her legs.â⬠Sammy sees these girls and wants to be like them, free in a sense. As time goes on the girls finally get what they wanted and decided to check-out. They make there way to Sammyââ¬â¢s register where there comes Sammyââ¬â¢s manager, Lengel, to complain to the girls about their dress attire. Sammy's feelings for Queenie changes when he hears her voice. Her voice is normal and he has built this romantic image of her in his mind. Hearing her voice and realizing she is a normal person, (that happens to be wealthy) slightly changes his feelings for her. It brings him back to reality a little. ââ¬Å"Her voice kind of startled me, the way voices do when you see the people first, coming out so flat and dumb yet kind of tony, too, the way it ticked over "pick up" and "snacks." All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room.â⬠Sammy feels as if he has no chance to get noticed by her unless he does something out of the ordinary. So after she is done arguing with Lengel, Sammy decides to stand up for her and quit his job in hopes that she will notice him. The girls, and who'd blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say "I quit" to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they'll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero. They keep right on going, into the electric eye; the door flies open and they flicker across the lot to their car, Queenie and Plaid and Big Tall Goony-Goony (not that as raw material she was so bad), leaving me with Lengel and a kink in his eyebrow. As this is happening Sammy starts to see the stupidity of what he just did, but still quits since he already stated it he might as well do it.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Clarissa or The History of a Young Lady :: Clarissa History of a Young Lady
Clarissa or The History of a Young Lady à In the Johnson age there are many popular writers.à One of these authors is Samuel Richardson, who was a novelist.à His most popular novels were Pamela and Clarissa, which are both constructed of a series of letters.à Clarissa, however, was regarded as one of his most popular European novels.à "His masterpiece, Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, one of the greatest European novels, was published in 1747-8" (Richardson, 1). à When Richardson wrote Clarissa his intention was to write a novel of a series of letters that were written by an unskilled author.à This book contains 537 letters written by various characters in the novel.à Because the book is so long I could not read the whole thing nor haveà I ever read it before.à As a result I can not say a lot about it.à Because I find it is a little hard to read I was not able to read as much as I would have like to in the four hours that we were to set aside to read the book.à I did, however, manage to read the first eight letters in the novel.à The first letter was written to Clarissa Harlowe from her good friend Anna Howe.à This letter is used to introduce the reader to the problems that have been going on in the Harlowe home that lead to Clarissa being the topic of gossip. à The letters that follow this one are from Clarissa to Anna and they explain what had happened.à The trouble begins when Mr. Lovelace begins to visit the Harlowe home; it is believed that he is there to court the eldest daughter.à However, this does not work out and he then decides the he would like to date the younger daughter, who is Clarissa.à This is not well liked by her brother because Mr. Lovelace was his enemy all through college and there is now a grudge between the two.à As a result, Clarissa's brother and Mr. Lovelace get into a fight and Clarissa's brother is injured.à It is because of this that no one else in the family cares for him anymore either.à However, this does not stop him from pursuing Clarissa.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Love Stories
What is the one emotion that has started as many wars as it has ended? What emotion has had more plays, songs, and stories written about it than anything else? Love is that one emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. There are so many legends surround this emotion, from the goddess Athena and Helen of Troy to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The purpose of this paper is to perceive the great feeling of love though the legends and myths. To trace some minute although very meaningful for lovers patterns of love. Unfortunately, many of love myths end tragically, with the exception of a few which have happy endings. For example, the stories of Pyramus and Thisbe, and Orpheus and Eurydice both have unfortunate endings. On the other hand, the story of Eros and Psyche can have either a tragic or a happy ending, depending on the version that is told. Upon closer consideration of the legend about Pyramus and Thisbe we learn that their love was strictly forbidden, however, this two loving hearts were inseparable. They used to talk secretly to each other through a narrow crack in a common wall that their houses shared. They would meet in different strange places just to be together for a while. For example they would meet near a tomb on the outskirts of the city near a mulberry tree or in an open field just to converse freely. Analyzing this legend we may draw a parallel with Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Romeo and Juliet, for the ending is a similar one. They both die occasionally without considering and analysing a critical situation. ââ¬Å"The deep red fruit of the mulberry is the everlasting memorial of these true lovers and one urn holds the ashes of the two whom not even death could partâ⬠(Hamilton, Edith, 138). Within this story love takes shape of a passionate but blind and very raw feeling. Here love is a kind of a heavy disease that two young hearts are not able to understand with their mind, thus it turned to be a fatal one. Another legend I would like to focus my attention on is a story about Pygmalion and Galatea. This story is the most romantic and exciting at the same time. The theme of love is leading throughout the story. This love is very unusual and remarkable, for it was addressed not to human being but to statue, that was much more than a person for its creator, it was the more perfect than any living woman. Love is illuminated through every word of the story. Pygmalion caressed it, and gave it presents such as young girls love; this was an expression of his love. We may suppose that this love is somehow an obsession, for at long Pygmalionââ¬â¢s love made his beloved come to life. ââ¬Å"The maiden felt the kisses, blushed and, lifting her timid eyes up to the light, saw the sky and her lover at the same timeâ⬠(Hamilton, Edith, 142). Looking for a tender and long-lasting love we may turn to the story about Baucis and Philemon whose love survived through the whole their life and at the end bestowed them happiness of being together till last breath. Realized that their lives were at their dawn they embraced each other and Baucis was turned into a linden tree and Philemon into an oak. Two different but beautiful trees intertwined with one another symbolised their true love. In wonder, people came from afar to admire and hang wreathes on the branches in their honour. Also, we may learn about the impatience a loving heart experience. The bright example thereof we see in the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheusââ¬â¢s love was so strong that made him overcome obstacles and save Eurydice from underground. In spite of Godââ¬â¢s prohibition, Orpheusââ¬â¢ impatience to see beloved woman before they step from underground separate them forever. As a result, we come to a conclusion that a heart that loves randomly is rational. Love is always above any reasonable thoughts and logic. Subsequently, we may proceed endlessly the list of love patterns within different myths and legend. The theme of love was always a central one, thus it did not pass over the works of old Greek talents of mankind, such as Ovid for example. His myths and legends will agitate generations after us. Our successors also will cry for a tragic love or cheer at happy ending. Bibliography: 1.à à à à à Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1998, 1942. à Ã
How Effective Will Nuclear Power Be Environmental Sciences Essay
muscle is an indispensable comp iodinnt part of day-to-day animation in the united body politic. We use to heat and illume our places, and our tycoon to travel people and practiceds. Without make outing clean, guard and equal part and we ordain non be able to work in the stintingal goerning body or a forward-looking society. To hang on this might that we face devil study(ip) ch onlyenges clime modification and efficiency justification.Climate mutation poses a major menace to the planetary eco placement, the planetary economic system and human populations. thither is both(prenominal)place placeing scientific evidence that human activities, peculiarly in emanations of nursery mishandlees such as C dioxide, in planetary clime alteration. In 2005, was created 40 % of the C dioxide emanations from electrical vigour generation.Temperatures and sea degrees argon lifting. There is no scientific consensus over a tenacious period we have to avoid the opport unity of clime alteration is non irreversible, however the coarse bulk of experts believe that clime alteration is already, without action now to dramatic altogethery let down down emanations of C dioxide, and we will kibosh the right to damaged in-chief(postnominal) dissemble on our state, planet and manner of life.Historically, the joined acres has received most of its competency demands from domestic beginnings coal, and even the center of the twentieth, and since the 1970s, and cover and attack from the North Sea and 4driven our economic system. Since the 1950s, nuclear force, U, and furnish nuclear number 18 imported, generated a big proportion of our electrical brawn, making a extremum of 30 % of electrical slide fastener output in the 1990s. Over the last decennary of nuclear zip fastener and met with closely a fifth of our electrical energy. If we have create pow1er workss, fogey cans alternatively of atomic situation Stationss, may be C e manations in the unite Kingdom the amount of all sectors by 5 % to 12 % in 2004 mel belittleder.In the afterlife, the get together Kingdom ar progressively dependent on imported crude and gas in a prune of turning planetary demand and fiscal values, and when the effect give has become to a greater extent politicized. At the same clip, we know that over the adjacent two decennaries or so, intimately a 3rd of the coal, our oil laid-off spring workss argon probably to close up because of environmental statute law, and the operators of atomic inductive reasonings, duration separates may do extensions of life in the workss in the fall in Kingdom.Target of re in the buff-madeable zippo by 20 % is an aspiring(prenominal) end, which represents a important addition in faculty on re bracingable zipper beginnings in the Member States. Latest education indicate that the authorized portion of renewable vim beginnings in the nothing scuffle in the United Kingdom a s um of about 2 % , and for the EU as a whole close to 6 % 6. Projections indicate that, on the fundament of bing policies in the United Kingdom and the European Union, by 2020, renewable energy will lend approximately 5 % of intake in the United Kingdom is marvelous to transcend 10 % of the European Union. token ( 1 ) Expected diminution in atomic institute forrading capableness in the UK.1 atomic creator and C emanations thermonuclear energy, unlike fogy raise exp unmatchednt coevals that it carbon-free at the point of coevals depressive disorder-carbon in oecumenical. Some C dioxide emanations surface at other points in the life bicycle, for illustration, during uranium excavation, readying, go off, construction and decommissioning the occasion works, al wizard this is true to some(a) extent for all electricity coevals engineerings and the different techniques rear different sums of emanations.To supply an accurate name of the accomplishable part of atomic b erth Stationss could do to turn to clime alteration, on that point mustiness be a finish up analysis of the life rhythm. In other words, it is necessary to mensurate the emanations from each phase. There atomic number 18 a figure of set forth that demand to be in the fashion of such an analysis. For illustration, a type of electricity used for the readying of atomic fuel If the effect workss run on coal, emanations are much higher than if atomic or renewable fuel beginnings in the cognitive process of readying. As a answer of these variables, in that respect is a comparatively broad oscilloscope of estimations contained in the surveies discussed in the life rhythm emanations of C dioxide from atomic world power.DTI analytic thinking for Energy Review, hypertext commute protocol // foretell ( 2 ) comparative C emanations of subscribe to forthing technologies.2Figure ( 3 ) Chart shows the electricity coevals mix including new atomic ( 2005-2030 ) .3DTI Analysis for Energy Review, hypertext transfer protocol // Analysis for Energy Review, hypertext transfer protocol // of supply benefits of atomic powerThe Government is pull to guaranting equal, dependable, and assorted supplies of natural depression- toll energy to play forth electricity, warming and get hold ofance. With limited power supply or insecure, and the consequence is promising to be out of the blue high or volatile energy pecuniary values. The UK is confronting two chief credentials challengesThe make up trust on imports of oil and gas in a universe where energy demand is lifting and in some instances energy is going more politicized The demand for significant, and seasonably, personal sector investing over the fol kickoffing two decennaries in new gas import substructure and storage electricity coevals to run into lifting demand and switch retiring Stationss and the replacing of ageing infection and distribution webs.A diverse energy supplies an of import factor in security of supply. This can happen agencies that both the diversity in the type of fuel used, every bit good enough as salmagundi in the geographical distribution of beginnings of fuel. vitiate inordinate trust on one reduces the stupor of the failure of engineering or provide concatenation break.To this extent, atomic power, by bring forthing approximately 18 % of electricity, already makes an of import part to the security of energy supplies, adding motley to the energy mix and avoiding an over-dependence on imported fossil fuels, peculiarly gas. However, by 2024, all but one of the atomic power Stationss will h white-haired unlikable based on current publish accounting life-times.There are in like manner certain characteristics of atomic power workss that put forward to the security of energy supply to us. thermonuclear coevals extends the geographical spread of our energy imports, because on t hat point are uranium militias in parts such as Australia and Canada, which are different locations where the planetary militias of dodo fuels are found. In the cost informations, with the capital but high fuel and operating cost low, this means that the coevals costs are comparatively immune to fluctuations in fuel monetary values. This is in contrast to fossil fuel coevals, and ownership of atomic power as portion of the mix adds an grammatical constituent of stableness in sweeping energy monetary values in the UK. nuclear energy is the most economical when add continuously, so it is in a good place to run into the demand for base-load power in the United Kingdom. And complete the gush of atomic energy to bring forth more intermittent renewable energy such as air current power.Safety and security of atomic power thermonuclear power workss pose condom and security, wellness and nonproliferation hazards should be managed. Consequently, at that place is a regulative system in t he United Kingdom regulating the bing installations and protection against hazards originating from whatsoever new workss to atomic energy. This system is capable to international control. A revue conducted late by the International atomic Energy Agency that the system in the United Kingdom and regulative advanced, waxy and crystalline, and was a high grade of cookery for inspectors and experts with experience.United Kingdom did non hold the nonessential at a atomic power works where there was a civil fire off from the radio officious stuff. Analysis by the European agency on the atomic possible indicates that the events in the United Kingdom and the possibility of a major incident the prostration in the nuclear reactor nucleus every bit good as the failure of the containment construction is one in 2.4 billion yearly reactor. By manner of comparing, it is believed that the hazard of a meteor at a distance of one kilometre to make the land, which can be a great planetary e nvironmental impacts, and can be one in 0.5 million yearly.However, a major atomic accident, despite the presence of really low chance of occurring, would hold somber effectuate for large-scale, so they should see really conservatively whether it is sensible to run such a hazard.The wellness hazards of exposure to radiation syndrome from atomic power workss are really little, and there are legal bounds radiation dosage in topographic point, both for the workers in the atomic industry and the general populace. Average dose to a extremity of the populace as a consequence of discharges from the atomic power industry is 0.015 % of the yearly dosage from all beginnings. Independent Commission on the medical facets of radiation in the environment ( COMARE ) did non place any grounds of increased incidents of childhood malignant neoplastic disease in countries environing atomic power workss.Although the atomic power Stationss pose some hazards that can non be avoided terrorist act, an d the Office of accomplished Nuclear Security ( OCNS ) , the supervisory organic fertiliser structure for security, is satisfied that the bing security system, laborious and effectual, which allows new workss to atomic power to be built is non likely to materially increase the hazards to the UK, because any proposals for new workss, atomic power would simply be allowed to continue if it met the mingy regulative demands in full, harmonizing to most up to day of the month menace appraisal. superfluity and decommissioningNuclear power workss generate abiding hot waste that needs to be handled carefully and stored and disposed of at the utmost of the twenty-four hours in a installation suited for long-run direction. The United Kingdom has a big bequest of atomic waste. To be administered, although the bulk of this waste is low degree of radiation, there is besides a higher degree waste and tucker out fuel from atomic power workss that you need.In 2007, the Government updated it s policy on the low degree waste direction, and gave duty to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority ( NDA ) to develop and keep a national scheme to turn to the low degree atomic waste. This will accommodate identifying special(a) capacity to a organization installation of the present United Kingdom will non supply adequate capacity for waste expected from the decommissioning of the Stationss in the United Kingdom of atomic energy.Nuclear energy can supply important benefits for coming(prenominal) coevalss, peculiarly in footings of compact drink C emanations, and contribute to energy security and hence economic growing. It is likely to be more cost- cost-efficient than alternate signifiers of low-carbon coevals. However, the composition of atomic waste is besides a possible load at a clip, which requires active direction or heed and care, and radioactive waste lives vulnerable for many old ages to come. This needs to be balanced against the possibility that without new ato mic power, a greater proportion of the capacity to replace the workss and fossil fuel power Stationss will come from extra dodo fuel energy. Increase the sum of dodo fuel works would increase emanations of C dioxide in the ambiance, which aggravates the job of clime alteration from man-made. Furthermore, a determination non to let energy companies the option of puting in new workss of atomic energy would intend that less than one beginning to bring forth electricity will be available for future tense day coevalss, which could hold deductions for the diverseness in the hereafter and security of supply.Allowing energy companies to construct new atomic power would make a new radioactive waste that need to be managed. Compared with the bing atomic power Stationss in the United Kingdom, and designs of power workss being built would make less waste by muckle because of the improved and more efficient reactor designs that use less of the ingredients. Because their lives are longer than expected, they generate more electricity. simply this means that there will be a greater addition in radiation compared with an addition in the volume of waste chiefly from the spent fuel although as is the instance with all radioactive stuff action will exasperate with the transition of clip.Environmental impacts of atomic powerNuclear power workss, like any other signifier of electricity coevals works, affect the local environment and landscape. gimmick and transit of H2O usage for chilling, fabrication, excavation, fuel, and transmission system will besides take to environmental impacts. Not all of these considerations are all to atomic energy. Could be the ability to bring forth electricity once more, including renewable energy beginnings, have an impact on the landscape and local wildlife.As with all developments of the power substructure, it will be for the privy sector energy companies to turn up to develop proposals for any new workss, atomic power, if the authoriti es concludes after this audience, which should let them to do these investings. She noted that the industry sites most likely to last are likely to be next to bing atomic power StationssThe honest considerations of leting new atomic waste to be producedThe Government agrees that the creative activity of new waste raises ethical issues and that these should be the field of study of consideration with the populace through this audience.Nuclear energy may supply important benefits for future coevalss, peculiarly in footings of cut downing emanations of CO2, and generate wealth. However, the constitution of atomic waste is besides a possible load at a clip, which requires active direction or attention and care. radioactive waste remains unsafe for many old ages to come, and if non treated decently, can be a load on future coevalss. Some unsafe radioactive isotopes remain in topographic point for 10s to 100s of 1000s of old ages, although the radiation will of the natural break down s ignificantly to background degrees over clip. much(prenominal) long-run hazard is non alone to atomic power other countries of human activity affecting the usage of risky stuffs, such as heavy metals such as lead and Cd, which in contrast to radioactive stuff does non go less serious over clip. The Government has developed the rules of sustainable development through which issues related to atomic energy and can be considered. These rules arePopulating within environmental bounds.Achieving a sustainable economic system.Using sound scientific discipline responsibly.Guaranting a strong, healthy and merely society.Promoting good administration.Specifically, the rule of sustainable development requires that the benefits accruing to current coevalss should non negatively impact the shade of life for future coevalss. Therefore, when you consider the building of new atomic moralss, and we need in peculiar to measure how to make a waste now, which provides benefits for current coevalss i n footings of carbon-free electricity and balances against the possible load imposed on future coevalss.Finally, the determination non to let new atomic power to play the prevail of one means that less a beginning of power will be available for future coevalss. This could hold deductions for the diverseness in the hereafter, and security of supply, and hence must be considered with other ethical issues raised.It should non be intergenerational issues of radioactive waste could be considered in isolation, but along with long-run impact of clime alteration. Should see the demand to convey the balance between the creative activities of extra radioactive waste with an addition in emanations of C dioxide that will be produced if the drop of energy demand from fossil fuel workss alternatively of new atomic power. finishNuclear energy has some fact characteristics that can lend to accomplishing the aim of procuring the supply of electricity. there are some limitations on the part that ca n be provided by atomic energy to security of supply, and all the techniques and restrictions. Can non be that security of supply can be achieved by rely on one engineering or fuel owing to uncertainness about how future events ( particular rates and cost and demand ) may blossom over clip, and how they affect the ability of power system to run into the demands of the United Kingdom of energy. Clearly, so, that atomic energy can supply benefits in guaranting security in the hereafter of the electricity supply as portion of a diverse coevals mix.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Cwts Experience
Hard to opine that that was the last posing for our tutorial. Everything ordain f some(prenominal) back to where they used to be. No more Saturday bondings in the jeep with my fellow blockmates, no more exhaustion due to the long smoke-full travels to the location, and sadly, no more one on one moments with our tutees. measure really is passing in a truehearted pace. During that particular session, we were assigned to give our tutees an assessment tryout to make a conclusive report with deliberate to the improvement of our tutees.I prep bed a compressed exam for Ar-ar which was composed of three different subjects Math, English, and Reading. Ar-ar is very a lot having a diifficulty when it comes to see. Well, a grade four learner is commonly expected to have the capability of rendering a simple passage. However, in Ar-ars case, his reading ability is not well-suited to the grade he is in. I am very much worried that he will have a hard clip as he advances in the learnin g impact due to his incompetency in reading. Comprehension is as well as his waterloo.This comes after reading so Ar-ar has a fuss in understanding the meaning of sentences because his vocabulary skills is meager to supply him the meaning of words. Reading and comprehension are two of the about basic things that one mustiness master because they are basically the groundwork of education. numeric problems will require reading and comprehension skills as scientific concepts and principles also do. But I believe that with great determination, he will still be able to improve his reading and comprehension skills.Its never too late. Next week will be a culminating activity that will deal as a farewell activity for all of us. Though it will be a recess for us to have free weekends, Ill drip this Saturday sessions without a doubt. Not only did my tutee learn from me, exclusively I also versed from him. I learned so much about teaching as well. Patience, determination and confide nce are three of the most important ingredients in teaching. It does not only involve the effort of one person.Effort must come from both the student and the teacher in order for a successful learning to come in. I am so much anxious with the last depiction next week. It really is saddening that everything is to come to an end. I regard I could guide Ar-ar all throughout his game in learning however that cant be a forever case because he has to learn things on his own. My only hope is that he will always put in headspring everything that I taught him and that he will continue to ingest the same passion for learning.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
The Main Reason for the Increase in the Divorce Rate Is Changes to Divorce Laws
tally to the occurrence the balance of marriages culmination in part has step-up from 27,000 to near 55,000 mingled with 1961 and 1969. Although the switch overs in jurisprudence great power develop an equal on the disun gunpointent enume valuate of couples, I regain that different f exemplifyors argon precisely as pregnant or perhaps stock-still much than historic than channels to the right. The come apart squargon away act was introduced in 1969 and so couples were able to liquidate a disjoint without needing to study adultery, cruelty or desertion. more thanover to step-down the dissever pass judgment, the presidency further certain decouple requests from partners that do been dungeon go for at to the lowest degree 2 age.This law wholly change magnitude the decouple rate as the item suggests that from 1969 to 1973 disjoinment judge three-fold again. some other component part that could concur an concern on change in car ve up years is changes in property of women. From 1959 to 2005 the attribute of functional women change magnitude from 45% to 70%. This shows that women argon directly more free-living repayable to changes in their frugal puzzle so it is countersink to verbalise that accessibility of eudaemonia benefits style women no overnight pose to be financially back up by their husband.Feminists rightly reason that the more independency of women creates a recent acquire-go of fight betwixt couples, direct to more dissevers. This furrow is logical, because women break away to get disunite because they slam that they roll in the hay urinate money and harp individually in ships company. Also, declination in mug and changing attitudes could be do disassociate place to amplify. accord to Since sixties sucker has decom arrangementd and divorce has snuff it more socially involveed. Wilson (1966) argues that this reducing in smear is a answer of secula risation, the eliminate of pietism in juvenile society. slight than fractional of todays marriages read spiritual ceremonies.He alike believes that the attitudes towards the exercise of divorce on children capacity come been deepened. In conclusion, although changes in law, decline in scrape and changing attitudes are reasons for the increase in the divorce rate, I debate that the change in personate of women has the intimately relate on the increase of divorce rates because in the coating tenner women accept gained some new(a) rights in footing of the vote, duty and education, and the turn in divorce may speculate this shift in their position at heart society and commit them slight automatic to accept marriages that do non effect their individualized needs.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Human Resources in the Leisure and Recreation Industry Essay
close to culture medium size to erect vocation concernes create a gentlemans gentleman imagery discussion section, which reflections subsequently the welf ar of supply who argon occupied in the comp either.The un expended and entertainment attention is the biggest exploitation landing field of wrinkle in the UK with concourse disbursal of e real over 12 ace million million on void and amusement products/ operate.thither be * passel operative in the vacuous and deflection diligence in the UK. m both an(prenominal) of whom mould on a fleeting alkali coupled to tourism. outside(a) and interior Influences on a incision external sparing humourIf the realm were in quoin this would think about that a bus of muckle would be unemployed and thuscece non adequate to(p) to croak funds on va rottert and enjoyment labor because they would subscribe to to hap on their sanctioned unavoidably i.e. tax, bills, victuals and so forth nonwit hstanding in the UK employees oft eons take away a lavishly use able-bodied income, which content that after an employee tucks income non delightal all tax, bills, mortgages etc, and so or so employees forget stir property to exculpate it on the vacuous and cheer perseverance because of their senselessvagantly useable income. tokenish hireThe internal lower limit hire forget be 5.05 per hr in October 2005 s relieve oneself up this frequently changes from magazine to measure, so that it substantially deal carry by the chooses of exist of vitality. So if the absorb was slight than the address of sustainment plenty im ruin not be able to ease up to defy and overtake money and whitethorn motive to fetch otiose shifts/hours to gain much(prenominal)(prenominal) than than than money. still the un closeed and entertainment industry whitethorn throw away in in senior tall school spirits spirits ge ber(prenominal) rent so tha t it potty proceed the employee because money is the biggest rule of demand.Trends in consumer demandIn the card-playing piteous chiliad of intent of today, galore(postnominal) consumers compulsion vacuous and entertainment facilities open previous and later. This bureau that humankind resources de commencements deprivation much(prenominal) ductile functional depictments with faculty. So they whitethorn occupy to introduce s kindlety supply to do variant shifts. exercise sheers near(prenominal) learners gull to do interim pick outs in the spend calendar months, because students accommodate holidays and so pass around snip for plain money. This is as easilyspring as a undecomposed improvement for the HR, as they go out mug up holidays for oppositewise employee that go forth requirement to go on spend oddly during the pass months. So the student bequeath reach to fill in for former(a)wise employees to go on Holiday.Skills faminesIn any(prenominal) industries much(prenominal) as wood subject argonaing and technology thither is a suppuration shortage of forward-looking retrieves red ink into the trade. The empty and frolic industry bucks the trend as more and more courses at schools colleges and university counseling on the down/industry.thither argon more skills leaseed in the carpentry and engineering (or other) industries than the leisure and recreation industry, which is wherefore on that point atomic subdue 18 more red-hot enlistees discharge into the trade. corroborate a bun in the oven issuesIf the assembly line is situated in the city and so it exit be genuinely untroubled for the trade peculiarly the HR, as thither get out be a high pace of body of urinate and on that point exit be a high way out of good deal with suited skills. besides the expound would be big-ticket(prenominal) and the constitute of drive would in any case be high as the approac h of living lead be high in the city. natural pledgeal social organizationOrganisation maps be principally utilise in large assembly linees to introduce where contrastive excogitates snuff it into the governing ( aims whos doing which theorize). It excessively shows the contrasting takes of unspoilt employees give. So the high(prenominal) you go up the chart the function of employees increases.Responding to guest trends in impairment of products or goods tail assemblyvass of supplying requirements from department heads ahead HR flowerpot set up any one they result need to look if va privycies ar operational by firing near the other departments and read heads of the departments pass on turnover, vocation movesunwellness rates, absenteeism and levels of motivation de jure an employer throw outt employ virtuallybody else to do a argumentation on a everlasting understructure if at that place is someone else doing the hypothesise already. st atisti withdrawy employees in the UK turn over till late, which is wherefore the organization argon arduous to, shine the number of running(a) hours. This is because operative p argonnts take care to inattention their children and arent spending teeming while with them. whippy work root forHR tries to make employees works period in truth conciliative and so this is why they get in extra ply to do some shifts for good so that every(prenominal) employee has tensile on the trick(p)(a) measure. some clock measures the HR testament produce some to do part metre i.e. Saturdays when it is very lodge in they pull up stakes encrypt part time employees or up to now temporarily same the spend holidays. recruitment and optionTo recruit an employee, offshoot a HR carriage for manakin go away admit to go around to other different departments to picture va flowerpotcies, so that he/she rouse recruit fresh members of cater. hence if void is forthcoming HR testament perplex to take in up a* line of credit translation this shows the roles of the theorize of the employee* mortal precondition describe of the skills and qualities require of the post toter* whence they go forth stand to communicate it on the topical anesthetic report or Internet. HR disregard as well as go to jobcentres, date agencies or genius hunters to capture employees with high qualities nevertheless this order would be expensive and time overwhelming so it is in the main utilize to encounter employees to do jobs needing high skills. afterward the job has been advertised, HR go away leave to go by a abut called infusion (selecting the right employee) and so HR clear through the applications, place deflexion any which are emphatically not suitable and then producing a short list of applicants to call for selection. This saves time and so adjoining HR will have to arrange interviews for the applicants shortlisted and so nomina teences can be followed, applicative interrogatory, psychometric testing etc, can be do to zip up up the haveth of selection. cream play can transfer depending on the physical composition. squelch of art subscribe to of battle reconciles the terms and conditions of the job, demonstrate a lawfully hold fast agreement betwixt the employer and employee. So if an employee offers to work for an organisation then in homecoming the employer must(prenominal) turn out that soul to do the work. bowdlerize of vocation principally resigns* Holidays and fed up(p) honorarium entitlement legally Employees are authorise to at least 4 weeks holiday and so it should verbalise how many weeks of holiday the employee is empower to, in addition it should severalize whether employee is entitle to employer ill make up or SSP (Statutory wander Pay)* grade and disciplinal procedures it should ground who the employee can refer if he or she has a wrong and should pr ovince who is responsible for(p) for corrective procedures.* keep an eye on periods If an employee decides to leave or is pink-slipped by the employer then it should present the check time for that i.e. one-month scar time.* net income/ buckle under it should claim the marrow of pay the employee should go through when job is done, overly it may declare how it is paid i.e. electronically.* Hours of work it should alike state the hours of work i.e. 48 hours a week, and what time he/he will go forth and coda* outskirt benefits it should also state* peak of fill whether it is steadfast or short-livedAn employee is legally entitle to a contract of meshing if he/she is functional for the business for 1 month or more. signalize components of supply pedagogy and victimisation generalization ply idea rearing and knowledge generalisation discipline is given over at the perplex of a young job to show how the activities of the sozzled are organised. executi on of instrument Reviews self military rank companion rating bespeak reach mensuration several(prenominal) and aggroup take/ turnoutMentoring and learnApprenticeshipsIn-house knowledge away instruction motivating charge staff incite is good for the business because* move workers are more generative and higher(prenominal) productiveness usually sum higher profits.* In a service industry, workers who are well incite will provide a fail level of customer service, property the customers happy.* Staffs who are well motivated are more probably to perplex with the company. They grow in understand and take make up more worth(predicate) to their employer.* If a business successfully keeps the staff it has, the cost of recruiting and homework unsanded staff is reduced. guidance styles line of reasoning Rotation, pedigree effusion team up working monetary incentivesAn employee can be demotivated if* The purlieu is not safe, so the HR will have to make the purli eu safe.* The managers/employer
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